Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Second Step Curriculum

Suzana Ustabecir image

An experienced educator and administrator, Suzana Ustabecir is an instructional effectiveness specialist for the Chicago Public Schools. In this position, Suzana Ustabecir works toward achieving academic excellence and success for students. One way is to incorporate both social-emotional learning into a curriculum. Ms. Ustabecir has used the Second Step curriculum to bring these principles into the classroom.

Social-emotional learning addresses essential non-academic skills that are necessary for children to succeed at school and through adulthood. These skills include empathy, emotion management and recognition, problem-solving, impulse control, the ability to calm oneself down, communication, and assertiveness. Schools that incorporate social-emotional learning into their classrooms experience a noticeable difference in cooperation, academic performance, and improved confidence among students. 

Second Step is one curriculum that helps teachers easily implement social-emotional lessons into their weekly routine. Teachers explain important concepts with the help of pictures, video, or audio, and then help students practice those concepts in group discussions, writing assignments, or in partner activities. Teachers reinforce those concepts and communicate them to parents so that education can continue at home.

Resulting from decades of research and experience, Second Step is currently being used in over 70 schools with 14 million students each year. As a result, teachers and administrators are helping their schools to be environments that are marked by safety and respect.